New Player Events
Magic Online offers three types of events for new players – two Constructed and one that’s a blend of Limited and Constructed.
Super Jump Phantom League
First, we have the Super Jump Phantom League. This new offering will let players familiarize themselves with playing matches without the need to build a deck. After entering the event, 3 themed Super Jump boosters containing 20 card half-decks appear. Hover over each image to see the color of cards you’re using and the rare card included. Select one to add to your deck, then do it again with another selection of 3 half-decks. Once that’s done, review the contents of your deck. Then you can begin play in single-game matches. Note that this is a Phantom League, so the cards you play with are not added to your collection.
This League is available to be joined by existing players wanting to help new players get acclimated to how MTGO works. Prizes are in Play Points, so you can build toward your first regular event entry.
Super Jump Phantom League Details
Start and End Times: Shown in Limited Play Lobby (before joining) and League Details window (after joining)
Location: Limited -> Draft
Product: 2 Phantom Half-Decks, chosen in a single-player draft upon entry. (This event is Phantom – cards are not added to your Collection)
Structure: Up to 5 single-game matches, played at your convenience.
Entry Options:
- Super Jump Entry Token
- 4 Event Tickets
- 50 Play Points
- 5 Wins: 50 Play Points
- 4 Wins: 40 Play Points
- 3 Wins: 20 Play Points
Commander Gauntlet League
Next, players of all experience levels can join the Commander Gauntlet League. After paying your entry option, the game prompts you to choose one of the five mono-colored decks to use for up to three single-game matches. These are 2 player games with starting life totals of 40 life, and normal Commander rules apply. The decks themselves are Phantom – the cards aren’t added to your Collection.
Here are the links to the decklists (thanks to our friends at Moxfield):
- White – Arahbo, the First Fang
- Blue – Kiora, the Rising Tide
- Black - Zul Asher, Lich Lord
- Green – Loot, Exuberant Explorer
Commander Gauntlet League Details
Location: Limited -> Gauntlet or Constructed -> Gauntlet
Product: 1 Commander Gauntlet Deck of your choice on entry (This event is Phantom – cards are not added to your Collection)
Structure: Up to 3 matches, played at your convenience
Entry Options:
- Commander Gauntlet Entry Token
- 2 Event Tickets
- 20 Play Points
- 3 Wins: 30 Play Points
- 2 Wins: 10 Play Points
- 1 Win: 5 Play Points
Modern Gauntlet League
Lastly, we offer a New Player Modern Gauntlet League. This gauntlet will randomly assign you 1 of 8 different decks representative of archetypes available in Modern. After reviewing the deck and sideboard, you can play up to three matches that each are best-of-three games. The decks include sideboards and are designed to give players who are new to Magic Online and/or are new to deeper non-rotating formats, like Modern, a taste of what the format is like.
Modern Gauntlet Decklists
Designed by the Wizards of the Coast Play Design team, the decks include the following possibilities:
Azorius Control: Control the board early on with counterspells and Stoneforge Mystic, then close out the game with powerful planeswalkers or an unanswered Shark Typhoon!
Dimir Mill: Use spells like Glimpse the Unthinkable and Archive Trap to reduce your opponent’s deck size to zero and win the game! These spells can also let you abuse cards like Scheming Symmetry and enable the powerful modes of Shelldock Isle and Visions of Beyond.
Eldrazi Tron: Take advantage of the fast-mana Eldrazi Temple and the Urza’s lands provide to cast a host of Eldrazi creatures ahead of schedule. Sanctum of Ugin means that even your lands or Expedition Maps can find more huge threats in the late game!
Gruul Titanshift: Use early mana acceleration to cast a Primeval Titan or a Scapeshift and find Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle alongside Mountains to burn your opponent out. Don’t forget that Dryad of the Ilysian Grove makes all of your lands into Mountains for even more damage!
Izzet Storm: Storm wants to cast a ton of spells in one turn to set up a Grapeshot that can deal 20 damage. Spend the early turns casting cheap draw effects to sculpt the perfect hand or cast a Gifts Ungiven for Past in Flames and mana producing rituals to go off!
Mono Red Prowess: Play a cheap prowess creature and then cast a flurry of cheap spells to get in for a lot of quick damage! Look to cards like Light up the Stage and Bedlam Reveler to reload after you’ve emptied your hand.
Mono White Blink: Take advantage of cards like Charming Prince and Restoration Angel alongside Thraben Inspector and Blade Splicer to get value while you tax opponent’s mana with your Thalias.
Simic Infect: Infect creatures only need to deal ten points of damage to win the game, so pair them with pump spells and disruption. Look for openings where your opponent is tapped out to unload all of your pump spells and win out of nowhere!
New Player Modern Gauntlet League Details
Location: Limited -> Gauntlet or Constructed -> Gauntlet
Product: 1 Modern Gauntlet Deck, chosen randomly on entry (This event is Phantom – cards are not added to your Collection)
Structure: Up to 3 matches, played at your convenience
Entry Options:
- Gauntlet Entry Token
- 3 Wins: 10 Play Points
- 2 Wins: 5 Play Points